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  • Pro Audio Review, October 2005
    Pro Audio Review October 2005 ...Summary: The Algorithmix Orange and Red PEQs are at the top of the game in quality, versatility and power. On a fast PC you can open multiple instances for multichannel work. With the addition of high-quality dynamics software, accurate monitors and experienced ears, state-of-the-art mastering is possible entirely within the box.

    Read the whole article: Pro Audio Review PEQ Reprint or visit www.proaudioreview.com.
  • Keyboards (Germany), July 2005
    Keyboards Review July 2005 ...Conclusion: With the PEQ Red and Orange Algorithmix has clearly shown where the future in the native area would lead us to. Except for a few minor trifles, the two brothers deliver phenomenal, brilliant and artifact-free EQ sound, that not only needn't to hide behind extremely expensive hardware, but surpasses it in terms of computational accuracy, entirely taking advantage of modern CPU benefits and thus blushing the small embarrassed Motorola-DSPs.

    And what matters in the end is the sound of an EQ and it's creative possibilities. The PEQs receive the full 100% in both areas.

    Read the whole article (in German): Keyboards Review or visit www.keyboards.de.
  • Sound Maker Review (Greece), March 2005
    Sound Maker Review March 2005 ...In few words a great EQ with good ergonomic design that allows you to work with speed and precision. These EQs are not degrading the signal at all unlike most Plugins which are narrowing the signal even in bypass mode...

    Read the whole article (in Greek): Sound Maker Review or visit www.soundmaker.gr
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Having the hardware Weiss Linear Phase EQ1 Mk2 as the reference, I've never expected to hear any other product, especially a software PlugIn, playing in the same league, but the LinearPhase PEQ Orange became to be an indispensable complement tool in our mastering suite.
Stefan Lindstrom
Swedish Sound Reference AB
Last updated: 01.10.2007