Easy Tools
Powerful, easy-to-use Noise-Reduction & Enhancement Audio PlugIns


FAQ -- Frequently Asked Questions

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How Can I access the Easy Tools Plug-Ins in the Audiograbber?


Open the Line in sampling... window (File -> Line in sampling...). Then press the button Settings... The Easy Tools Plug-In Interface window will then pop up. Now you can load the desired Plug-Ins.


Why can't I hear any effect while changing the parameters of the Easy Tools Plug-Ins in the recording mode of the Audiograbber?


You are probably not using the latest version of Audiograbber (v1.81 build2). Please download it at: After the update the parameter adjustment of the Plug-Ins should be much easier, since the results will be immediately audible.


Why should I buy the Easy Tools Power Pack instead of buying the Plug-Ins separately?


When purchasing the Easy Tools Power Pack you have the following advantages:

1. You can use Easy Tools stand-alone independent of the Audiograbber. This way you can clean already existing wav files without having to record them through Audiograbber first.

2. With the Easy Tools Player you'll get a powerful WAV and mp3 player providing basic editing functions. It features not only a wave display with zoom-in and zoom-out, a loop editor, cut and split operations, but also a store function which allows saving audio files to hard disk after processing. The player also features a PlayList which allows automatic playback of several files.

3. If you are a registered Audiograbber user you'll save $8 in comparison to the sum of the three single Plug-Ins.


Where I can upgrade to version 1.1? Does it cost anything?


You can upgrade to version 1.1 for free using this link.


Sometimes Easy Tools runs out of resources and freezes my computer?


Under certain circumstances it was possible that the Easy DeClicker and/or Easy DeNoiser used up all GDI resources, which could result in freezing up the computer. This problem was fixed in the new version 1.1. Please upgrade for free here.


Can I use Sound Laundry in the Audiograbber, too?


Yes, you can. All Sound Laundry Plug-Ins will be available through the SL PlugIn Interface, which will be automatically installed. So if you are a restoration pro and like to work with Audiograbber, you don't have to renounce the power of the Sound Laundry PlugIns.


I'm owner of the Easy Tools Power Pack. Can I test the Easy Enhancer without deinstallation?


Yes. Please download eenhantr.exe. This file will automatically install the trial version of the Easy Enhancer in your Easy Tools directory.



Resetting the level meter in the Easy Tools Player
The left and right level meter can be each reset by either clicking on the numeric field or by pressing the hotkey 'r'.
Setting up the Easy Tools Player as the default Audio Player in the Audiograbber
To playback *.mp3 or *.wav files directly in the Audiograbber you can specify a default audio player which can be accessed from the main window of the Audiograbber with one mouse click. To set up the Easy Tools Player™ as the default Audio Player click Settings->MP3 Playback.... Under Location of MP3/WMA player or wave file press Browse and choose algoplug25.exe in the Easy Tools™ directory.
New features in version 1.1


Easy Tools PlayList
allows automatic playback and arrangement of an unlimited number of .wav or .mp3 files
single files or whole directories can be added or removed  using the appropriate buttons or by drag & drop
length of the audio files is displayed
files can be arranged by mouse or using the functions sort or shuffle
search function
window is resizable and can be docked to the Easy Tools™ Player

new PlugIn: Easy Enhancer

better support for large fonts

The Easy Tools PlugIn-Station, the Player and the PlayList can now be docked together

improved help file

several bug fixes including:
freezing problem: under certain circumstances it was possible that the Easy DeClicker and/or Easy DeNoiser used up all available GDI resources and freezed up the computer.
window displaying problem: Under certain resolutions the windows of the PlugIns where not displayed properly.

Last updated: 02.10.2007


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